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When Does Life Begin Genesis 2.6-7.png

Genesis 2:6-7 "But a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being."

   Genesis 2:7
speaks of the first man created. Of course, he did not come from the womb. He was the first man. Does this mean that life begins at birth? Heartbeat? The answer is no. The first man was created from dust, not from inside the womb. Life began when he was created, and God breathed life into his lungs. 

Culture changes, so we must admit that if we base our life and morals on what culture is, we must stay updated on what people deem good and wrong. This includes murder, rape, and other evil things that we know to be evil. I'm bringing this up because culture has much to say about right and wrong, how to define morality, and when life begins. But the most significant difference between culture and scripture is that culture changes like a wave, and scripture remains the same and does not change.  


   A fun fact that may be surprising is that most scientists will agree that life begins at conception. When the sperm meets and fertilizes an oocyte, that's when the zygote begins.

   A study found that
96% of scientists & the majority of biologists believe that life begins at conception. Why is culture saying the opposite of science is saying which is the study of creation and understanding the complexity of something or an object?

   What does the Bible say when life begins? Realize that
scripture is consistent in what it says about life, children, and the unborn.


   A pattern we can find in human history is that we continue to dehumanize and devalue the lives of the unborn. For example, we can look at many cultures throughout the years and before Rome. The Babylonian culture was centered on child sacrifice to their Gods, the Aztecs, Inca, Maya, Moche, Timoto-Cuica, Tanakh, South Africa, and Uganda. And sadly enough, this will never end as long as people desire themselves and what they believe is right, even if it results in the death of others.

   The value of a human is not based upon the car they drive if they are brain dead, unresponsive, autistic, handicapped, missing body parts, or unable to work. Still, instead, the value of a human should remain the same because we are all created in his image.
When someone is made in the image of God, they are inherently valued and worth dying for and that is what Christ did for us.

Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

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