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When it comes to the possibility of God’s existence, the Bible says some people have seen sufficient evidence, but they suppress the truth about God.

Romans 1:18-20

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

An argument to use for the existence of God, which is commonly known to Christians and Atheists, is called the argument for fine-tuning. This argument goes into the precise details of the universe. For example, the Earth’s location to the sun is just perfect; if we were slightly farther away, we would freeze, and for the opposite, we would burn. Since what we know is in its place, one thing out of place would cause the universe to collapse back to nothing.


Another argument when it comes to fine-tuning would be the brain.  Our brain simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information, with each DNA strand telling a story of its own. Our hearts pump without us knowing, and blood cells are produced without us knowing and telling our heart to pump out more.


The creation of the world and the complexity of it all did not come from anywhere. This does not excuse the Big Bang theory in any way because we then should ask who started the big bang. Either God or nothing. Christians should not deny the big bang because it is an event that makes sense when we read Genesis 1.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

All evidence points to a beginning.


It already happened, so the question should now be, “why did it happen?” It is either we believe we have a purpose to being here or believe we have no purpose but to survive, which would open the doors to chaos. We all know we have a purpose, a reason to be on this earth. For atheists, what is the purpose of life? For Christians, what is the purpose of life? Are we here to simply survive or to achieve more great things?


Another argument is the lawmaker argument. This is simple to see when it comes to the mind. It’s only complicated to those who want to make it complicated. The universe runs on laws that, in order for these laws to be in place, there has to be a creator. This creator would be the lawmaker. These laws, for example, the laws of nature and the laws of logic, are all immaterial, unchanging, and universal. Knowing this, we all can know that these laws had to come from something immaterial, unchanging, and universal.  These are also characteristics of God. Immaterial, unchanging, and universal. God holds all things together, and we can see his laws and attributes in his creation everywhere we go.



Let’s go back to the question of what if God does not exist? Where do these laws come from? Why should we obey laws that we are not obligated to follow? Why should humans obey these laws? In a materialistic world where there is no immaterial realm or world, we have no obligation to do what is good or reason to even say what is right or wrong.


Here’s how it works. Laws are immaterial, which means they are not made up of atoms. This also applies to feelings and emotions, Truth, and love. The laws of morality are also immaterial. This is a problem for naturalists. They can not use the immaterial world as an answer; they must use their own worldview to justify purpose, reason, love, and reason.


Therefore the most reasonable answer to the creation and for life itself was started by a creator who holds all things together and loves his creation, versus a world with no reason to do anything but for selfish intentions or reacting to DNA.

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