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Was Hitler A Christian?

   When we look at the history and the childhood of Hitler, many will say he was Catholic or religious. This is true. But to understand why Hitler despised religious people overall and not only the Jews, we have to look at his speeches and life fully. The first claim I usually get when speaking on the topic of evil is that religious people have done evil things. Therefore, Christianity is false, and the very first person they claim to have been Christian is Hitler. So because Hitler was a Christian, therefore Christianity is false. I want to make this clear at the beginning. Those who try to argue that Hitler was a Christian do not know the life of Hitler. Hitler spoke against religion all the time and focused a lot on Christianity. He even wanted to rid Christianity of Germany as a whole. This can be proven by the very actions of a group of Nazi-led "Christians" to take control of the Evangelical church in 1933. He used this group of "Christians" to influence the church to conform to Hitler's ideology and political practices. But let's give the Atheist/Unbeliever credit, in any case. Hitler did speak about Christianity, however. But they weren't good. So here are some quotes made by Hitler about Christianity to get this out of the way:

“Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.”

“Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilization by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society. Thus one understands that the healthy elements of the Roman world were proof against this doctrine.”

“It was Christianity that brought about the fall of Rome—not the Germans or the Huns. What Bolshevism is achieving today on the materialist and technical level, Christianity had achieved on the metaphysical level.”

“The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges : the pox and Christianity.”


   Hitler's life and the way he ruled power also prove that he was not Christian. Romans 13:1, when Paul says, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. There is no authority except God, and God has instituted those that exist." The reason for mentioning this verse is the context and time that it was written. This verse was written in 56-57AD during the Roman Empire. Who was the ruler at that time? Nero, the 5th emperor of Rome, was born on December 15th of 37AD and died on June 9th of 68AD. Nero is a great example to ring up because of the political power and what he did to achieve more strength. For instance, Nero was believed to have started the Great Fire Of Rome to make way for what he called the Golden House. He also arrested Christians, lit them on fire, and burned them alive. So, Nero was willing to go the extra mile to gain power. But Romans 13:1 is unique because it can be applied to many world leaders like the Communist Party of China and dictators like Joseph Stalin, Bashar al-Assad, Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Lenin, and many others. Paul spoke in Romans 13:1 to clarify that Nero was only in power if God allowed it. We can also look at how God views Fascism to get the bigger picture of why Hitler or anyone who practiced evil to gain power was not a Christian or needed to examine themselves not with our understanding of truth but based on scripture and the words of Christ. And that's the difference between a God-fearing ruler and a power-hungry Dictator. For example, some governments that did not apply the word of God or the authority of God would be the Pharaohs of Egypt, Caesar of Rome, and Nebuchadnezzar.
   On the other hand, the king of Israel would rule his kingdom with justice according to God's laws. So, did Hitler rule his "empire" as God's representative or by his own will and desires of the flesh? By examining his life and the fruits produced (Matthew 7:15-17), the only logical answer to the question "Was Hitler a Christian?" is no.

Matthew 7:15-17
"Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit, you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.…"

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