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   On April 21st of 2023, I attended the Walkout2learn protest that was held statewide in Florida due to the recent bills passed by Florida politicians. These bills are viewed by the LGBT as a threat to their own existence and compare Ron Desantis to Hitler and Stalin in many cases. One of these bills was a "book ban" that would take books off the shelf that taught children about sex, adult toys, and how to have anal. Many of these books I have personally Bought many of these books to see for myself what exactly is being promoted and pushed onto children. 

   One book is called "bye bye binary," written by Eric Geron, who is  the author of children's books like "The Hocus Pocus Spell Book," "Descendants: Junior Novel," and "Tricky Zoom." Interestingly enough, he works with Scholastic, Disney, and more.

   Another book that's been checked out is called "This book is gay" by Juno Dawson, who writes children's books like "You Need to Chill" and "Boys, No Panic." These books are meant for children at early ages. 

   Many of these books may seem harmless by the cover, and that's why we should question whats in them and whats taught inside, and the stories told in these books that contain explicit sex scenes including rape.


   Many speakers came up to speak to the small crowd. As they spoke about love and tolerance and being open to teaching those who need to learn, an individual by the name of Melissa Bakondy was recording the event speeches, not saying a word in protest but simply recording was being harrassed and kept from watching and listening by many of the event speakers and hosts. The footage below will show how they treated her due to her stance on LGBT and transgenderism being taught to children.

   The interview I held with one of the event organizers was disturbing and showed how they honestly do not know what they stand for. Speaking to many people walking by the event, the majority did not approve of the event happening, what the transgender community is pushing more, and were highly against kids transitioning and using puberty blockers, and going through hormone therapy. 

   The speakers brought up points that were lies and showed how misled they genuinely were. Seeing this caused me not to hate the group, but it made me think about who has been lacking in trying to help this community and teaching the truth. The answer that came to my mind was 'the church.' The church has failed in teaching children and preaching how God has created mankind. Not only that, but each one is made wonderfully made.

   The interview below will show how much they do not know what they believe, and it will show that they have no foundation in their theology, making them a group of chaos. This is a dangerous mindset because you should know what to believe. When you don't know what to believe, you are likelier to fall for anything pleasing to the flesh or mind.

   When it comes to any religion or group, test with their own beliefs. Challenge them with their own ideology and see where they stand. The LGBT tell us they don't want to be political, but at the same time push bills to protect themselves from the outside world, push for LGBT books to be read to children in government schools, have drag queen story hours at libraries, and more. 

The clips below show how the LGBT community treated a friend of mine for simply standing and recording. She did not antagonize or yell at anyone. Where is the love and tolerance?

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