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Separation Of Church And State

I know what it means but let’s assume that it means what the liberals, democrats, and unbelievers want it to be. The literal separation of religion and government. The first question I would then ask is whose belief system is running the show? The reason I ask this is because even if you remove “Christianity” from the school, you are going to replace it with a materialistic, atheist worldview that believes in no creator or you can have a worldview that does believe we were created for a purpose and a reason. Both are worldviews; BOTH are religions.

So, which one should be implemented as the state religion? Cause we are seeing the unbeliever's worldview taking place which is an Anti-Christian worldview. For example, we are seeing all around America right now teachers being fired for simply praying in schools, coaches baptizing their players who choose to be baptized, or as simple as taking a knee before games and praying.

This is why I have to ask: WHOS WORLDVIEW is being implemented? Because it’s not a Christian one the liberals can stop crying about that. My guess is it’s an anti-God state that’s being implemented. So all that practice Christianity in public schools, have a Bible at school, pray before games, and/or baptize students will be victimized.

Last part of this I would like to point out that it’s the unbeliever that’s intolerant and unloving. It’s the unbeliever who says all religions should get along under the slogan of “Coexist” but wants to dismantle all Christian beliefs from school. It’s “accept what I want, or you’re a bigot.” “It’s “all about me, and if it’s not your hateful.” it’s “say nice things to me, or you’re causing violence and abuse.”

Ephesians 4:18: “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.”

1 Peter 2:15:

“For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.”

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