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  • Writer's picturePastorDivine

Perfect Society

No matter if you are a Christian, atheist, Buddhist, or agnostic, there will be no perfect society where everyone gets along and shares what they have. Many want to teach that if we get rid of a sect of religions we will have peace. But at what cost? Some say we have to force everyone to believe in certain morals. But what happens when we don't?

But that's the big question. WHAT IS THE COST?

War? Prison sentences? Death? Persecution?

When I learned about atheism and studied it to the core, read articles of famous atheists and those who are looked at as great philosophers, they had one thing in common. Get rid of religion. A quote can sound harmless, but the steps for achieving said quote can be harmful.

“Get rid of religion; it's the cause of wars and death.”

I can agree, but not entirely. There are many religious beliefs that teach that certain groups of people shouldn't exist and have no right to live. But here's the catch: it's sometimes about something other than religion. A practice is done in certain Indian tribes as if they had lost a son, they would go and kidnap a son from another tribe. Doing this would result in the two tribes fighting. Another example is territory advancement. To have more land to themselves because of the growing population or wanting more control. Many wars started because of greed and envy of what the surrounding civilizations had. Some battles started because of rebelling against a government, high taxes, starvation, or to end certain practices that weren't moral.

The reason why I mention these examples is this. Why does atheism require the dismantling of every religious belief in order to achieve its great and pure utopia? It's because they believe that religion is the root of all evil. But what does the Bible say about evil, envy, immorality, sharing, etc? I argue that Christianity is the moral and fairest religious book in history. Atheism has no foundation in morality and ethics. Buddhism has no foundation in morality and ethics. New Age has no foundation in morality or ethics. If you truly want a perfect society, you must be rid of self-desires, immorality, envy, and much more. This all requires strength in mind, body, soul, and spirit. But what people claim to want genuinely, they don't want because they have no will to achieve it. They are selfish, arrogant, and have no self-control. But at the same time, I want to live in a perfect utopia.

Logically speaking, these people would be the last to want to run any civilization.

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