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Islam And Its Fake Support

People are showing “SUPPORT” to Hamas by either becoming Muslim or reading the Quran.

This is how much the generation will believe in anything they are told. It also shows they don't care about the truth. These are the same people who will say the Bible makes no sense or because it's old, and that's why it needs to be done away with.

Here is some history of Islam/Muslim faith:

1. The Quran is a misinterpretation of the scriptures (Bible & Torah).

2. The Quran has many places where the locations are wrong.

3. Muhammad was a general, which is why he knew much about war and strategy to convince people to join him.

4. Muhammad was born 570-632ad, which is over 500 years after Christ.

5. The Muslims claim he is the last prophet because the angel Gabriel appeared to him and him only.

6. Muhammad had no understanding of the scriptures itself, so how could he be trusted to make claims about the scriptures or the Torah?

7. Muhammad is only considered a “prophet” because he made predictions of events that took place… in the past. In other words, he talked about events that had already happened, claiming he had a revelation.

8. Mecca did not always belong to Muhammad; he took it over with 10,000 men. After Mecca, his mission was to destroy all pagan temples in Arabia, and they did.

9. Nowhere did Allah speak to the people. Allah only spoke to Muhammad. In scripture, God made himself known to all the Israelites, proving he was the true living God. Allah can not be known because he is not a personal god; he is selfish.

10. In the Islamic and Muslim faiths, salvation is unsure, you can pray every day and be a “good” Muslim and still go to hell. You can only affirm your salvation by committing an act for Allah, resulting in sacrificing yourself. Nowhere in scripture does it tell Christians to sacrifice themselves for unruly causes in the name of God, but instead, stand firm, and it will happen anyway.

11. You can only convert to Islam if you know Aramaic and repeat the Shahada. If you can’t, you can’t be Muslim.

These are just 11 examples of what many do not know about the Islamic/ Muslim faith. If you claim to follow the Quran and teachings of Muhammad, you are either trying to make sense of it and are very confused or you are being forced to believe in it. Every debate I’ve watched (many, many hours of debates and teachings), they will admit to the chaos in the teachings, there are multiple interpretations of Muhammad’s teachings, and the history of the Quran is off.

I hope this helped and encouraged others to read into it. But I think highly stupid that there are teens “converting” to Islam just to support Hamas and/or the Palestinian people. I know this is just a wave that’s going to end in a couple of months, but it shows the outright ignorance of people and how blind we are to the truth.

Mark 7:7-9 “In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.” And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God to establish your tradition!”

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